Temple Group
right now there is only a German speaking temple group every 14 days in Essen
Our groups don’t follow any “method”, nor are they therapy groups. They are rather a sacred space where women discover and learn to trust their own body! Our body is our temple – our “temple groups” arose from this ancient impulse.
What is a temple group and what do women do there?
The prevailing male and female qualities are not balanced in our medical procedures. The role of the doctor is reduced to technical acts, messuring and treating “conditions” rather than the human being as whole.
We often lack compassion and a sense for our own inner being. Feelings are not to be shown in our daily work life. For this reason, a healing space was created in 2013. An oasis of lightness, beauty and feminine power! An oasis of being true and honest with each other! An oasis, in which we honor and celebrate our uniqueness! An oasis in which we come home. Where we can be in harmony with our body and find roots in ourselves. A temple which nourishes our feminine heart! In order to initiate our bodies and our lives as temples again, it is important to perceive the female and finer structures and qualities in us. Therefore we must be aware of our body and its needs. We must recognize and honor our feelings and thoughts.
In meeting each other lies the whole universe of meeting ourselves. The deeper you go in relation with others, the deeper will be the relation to yourself. In the mirror of the other woman we meet the mystery of the feminine. Now is the time to take your seat in the global circle of women! It is time to create a coexistence of love, compassion and humanity.
If you would like more information, please contact us under info@zentrumfuerweiblichkeit.de